Congratulations from Rector V.A. Volkogon on National Unity Day!

Congratulations from Rector V.A. Volkogon on National Unity Day!
Congratulations from Rector V.A. Volkogon on National Unity Day!

Dear friends!

I warmly congratulate you on National Unity Day!

412 years ago in Moscow, the people’s volunteer corps (militia) led by Kuzma Minin and prince Dmitry Pozharsky liberated the capital of the Russian state from the interventionist troops, bringing the end of the Time of Troubles in the history of our country.

This example of courage and heroism shows that Russia's strength lies in the unity of its people.

In such a multinational country as ours, this holiday is vital.

Only together we can withstand the internal and external challenges that time poses to us.

These days, when our compatriots, Russians, representatives of different faiths and nationalities, shoulder to shoulder, are courageously fighting for the safety and well-being of the Motherland, we must all unite, and I urge everyone to make their own contribution to bringing the Victory closer.