1. Scientific articles submitted to the editorial board of "KSTU News" journal undergo reviewing procedures.

  2. Reviewing forms: external (reviewing of the manuscripts by leading specialists of the relevant industry), internal (reviewing of the manuscripts by the members of the editorial board).

  3. The executive editor deсides on compliance of the article with the specialty of the journal and with submission requirements, and then directs it to an expert, a doctor of sciences with an area of expertise closest to the subject of the article.

  4. Within 7 days, the executive editor notifies the authors about the receipt of the article.

  5. The timing of the review is determined by the executive editor in each individual case, taking into account creation of conditions for maximum prompt publication of the article

  6. The following issues should be covered in the review:

    • compliance of the content of the article with the topic stated in the title;

    • compliance of the article with modern achievements of scientific and theoretical thought;

    • comprehensibility of the article for the readers in terms of language, style, material layout, visualization of tables, diagrams, figures, etc ..;

    • advisability of publishing the article taking into account the literature previously published on the subject;

    • what are the positive aspects, as well as the shortcomings of the article, what corrections and additions should be made by the author;

    • conclusion about the feasibility of publishing the manuscript in the journal: "recommended", "recommended with correction of the deficiencies noted by the reviewer" or "not recommended".

  7. The reviews are certified according to the procedures established by the institution where the reviewer works.

  8. In case of rejection of an article from publication, the editorial board shall send a reasoned refusal to the author.

  9. An article not recommended by the reviewer for publication is not accepted for reconsideration. The text of the negative review is sent to the author by e-mail, fax or regular mail.

  10. A positive review does not constitute sufficient grounds for publication of the article. The final decision on the appropriateness of the publication is taken by the editorial board.

  11. After the decision on admission of the article to the publication is made by the editorial board, the executive editor informs the author about it and specifies the terms of publication.

  12. The editorial board provides reviews to the authors of manuscripts and expert councils of the Higher Attestation Commission upon request.

  13. Original reviews are kept in the editorial office of the scientific journal "KSTU News".